The Parts You Need at the Price You Want!
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Become A Vendor

Fax a copy of your Business federal tax identification number to Fax # 972-459-3250. Please Note: It must be a copy of the certificate or permit which has your business tax identification number. Not your social security number.

There is a $10,000.00 buy in which must be pre-paid and shippable (no backorders) to activate your account.

You must buy more than $10,000.00 of product from us per year from the date of your first order to keep your account active. If you buy less than $10,000.00 per year you will have to redo the buy in to reactivate your account.

A picture of your store front. Please Note: It must be an auto related business.

If you have any questions about the requirements, please feel free to give us a call at 972-315-3758, or email us at